Milestone 7.1 - Back from Hiatus

After like eight months I'm finally back. I got a job back in October and it took me a while for my schedule to even out enough to get a proper work-life balance going. But now that it is I wanted to get a Milestone 7.5 out to fix the admittedly many problems with the last build. I'm sure there are more but now you can at least talk to all the npcs without crashing, which hey that's a step forward.  There's also now the ability to Concede a duel, which should hopefully allow you to back out to the overworld if something goes wrong with the duel. It will result in a loss, but it will at least prevent a full soft lock.

The main additional feature this time is the Enhanced Deck Builder! The old deck builder was based on the version in the original Game Boy game, which obviously lacked a lot of the features of more modern deck builders. I've added card filters, a search bar, and a deck preview as well as an overview of the deck before saving it. If you do a lot of deckbuilding and have any UX input or additional features you would want in a deck builder I would love to hear from you.

I also made some of the conversation UI a bit bigger. A lot of the text is sort of at an awkward length now, but that's almost entirely temporary anyway. You can also click the cards to view each card as large as possible. I'll probably implement that in a few other places eventually. The Vending cards now have improved resolution as well. Thanks to for allowing the use of their translated versions of the cards they made.

And one new card! Yay. It's Digger. More to come in the rest of the milestone.

Anyway that's only about a third of what was supposed to be Milestone 8 done. Next will be the rest of it, which is adding forwards compatibility and at least the start of special duels. No promises on how long until the next one, but probably not another half year.


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yay, cant wait for more development